Give online or by mail. For more information on how to give, please see below.
Give Online
Give online to JSBC through the secure PayPal link below. Give one time or as a recurring (monthly) gift. Just click the "Donate" button to begin the process. Enter the purpose of your donation (i.e. tithes, offerings, Soup Kitchen, MLK Scholarship, etc.) in the "notes" section, & your donation will be processed through PayPal to keep your transaction secure & efficient.
Give By Mail
If you would like to give your tithes, offerings, or a donation by check, please mail your check to the address below. All checks should be made out to "John Street Baptist Church."
Mail to:
John Street Baptist Church
43 John Street, PO Box 2696
Worcester, MA 01613-2696
Mail to:
John Street Baptist Church
43 John Street, PO Box 2696
Worcester, MA 01613-2696